
Showing posts from November, 2020

How to pull out eyebrows

  To give the beautiful form to eyebrows independently, arm with tweezers and magnifying mirror. The final luster to eyebrows will be given by cosmetics. The pencil, shadows or wax will paint over bald spots, will make hairs brighter and brilliant. We choose shape of eyebrows Today the natural look is fashionable. You should not turn eyebrows into thin threads, moderately wide and not too curved arches are much more relevant. A lot of things depend also on shape of face. The lines are larger, the more widely there have to be eyebrows. To square or rectangular face eyebrows with easy break will go, roundish more harmonious looks with arc-shaped. The oval face will suit graceful eyebrows vrazlt, narrowed to temples. It is possible to determine ideal length by pencil. Apply it to the person so that it was parallel to nose and concerned edge of nostril. The place of contact with eyebrow will show in what place there has to be its beginning. Turn pencil so that it touched nostril ...

How to pull out eyebrows and to give the beautiful form

  Fashion trends constantly change. Now we cannot keep from smiling, looking at photos of mother with the eyebrows which are pulled out in the form of thread. Now dense rather narrow eyebrows of the correct form are popular. To achieve the necessary effect, it is necessary to make efforts and to suffer the pain arising at wrest of hairs. Instruction 1. Do not use the razor for giving to eyebrows of necessary form. Of course, it much quicker, than use of tweezers. But soon you will face problem of excessive growth of hairs. In addition you will spoil that form of eyebrow which at you is had today. Besides, after use razors of hair become much more rough. 2. Be not fond of artificial forms . If by nature at you dense eyebrows, so they best of all approach your person. You need small correction, but not radical change. You watch that eyebrows did not differ in form from each other. 3. Through external corner of eye draw the imagined line to nose tip. The place in which the l...

How to raise eyebrows

  The beautiful and correct line of eyebrows does face more attractive. And the form is suitable for each face type: direct, curved, raised. But how to deceive the nature which has allocated with direct or low eyebrows and the stare in mirror says that to the person the raised eyebrows are necessary. Having resorted to some cosmetic receptions, eyebrows can give the desirable form. It is required to you ·          For this purpose will be necessary: pencil for eyebrows in tone to natural color, tweezers for correction of eyebrows, alcohol for processing of skin and tweezers, cotton wool or sponge, the softening means on spirit basis. Instruction 1. Process alcohol or the softening spirit lotion skin of upper eyelid. Do not throw out vatu, it to be useful to remove from tweezers hairs at plucking out. Take the tweezers processed previously by alcohol. Fingers of one hand slightly pull eyelid skin, it considerably will lower pain. Begi...

How to raise eyebrow

  Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows of the correct form – guarantee of neatness and proportionality of your person. Incorrectly processed eyebrows which did not look after long ago are capable to spoil seriously your appearance, having changed your emotional shape and creating feeling of disproportion of features. Having spent not enough time for care for eyebrows, you keep balance of the lines and also support harmonious appearance. Instruction 1. Before beginning correction of eyebrows , comb them brush and define the main form which contours you need to plan. Cut off too long hairs sharp scissors so that their length has matched length of other hairs growing along eyebrow . 2. Be not overzealous, cutting eyebrows – do it at bright lighting and in front of the mirror, constantly watching to cutting off superfluous. 3. Take tweezers for eyebrows and, previously having prepared skin hot washing and having applied on it the moisturizing cream, begin to pull out excess ha...

How to pull out eyebrows thread

  Removal of hair by means of threads is modern method which use for removal of vegetation, both on face, and on all body. This method is much more effective, than decolorization or shaving of hair. Decolorization does not depilate, and only does them less noticeable. And after shaving the vegetation grows again, becoming each time is thicker and thicker and more rough. Instruction 1. hairthreads Have begun to delete in India. A few years ago this method became popular and in the USA. Unfortunately, it is impossible to depilate threads without serious consequences practically. Degree of morbidity depends on density growth of hair and sensitivity of skin. 2. It is much simpler and more convenient to thin out eyebrows by means of threads, than to epilirovat them wax . removals of hair. Before thinning of eyebrows threads leather is processed by medical alcohol degreased). 3. The procedure of plucking out by threads consists in wrest from follicle of several hairs by means of...

As it is beautiful to pull out eyebrows

  Eyebrows are thin and graceful, bright and dense, are decoration of the person not less, than the best make-up. The inaccurate shape of eyebrows can spoil work even of the most fashionable stylists. For giving of form to eyebrows it is necessary a few – to remove something superfluous, to add somewhere, to smooth somewhere. It is required to you ·          tweezers for eyebrows Instruction 1. It is easy to give the form to wide and dense eyebrows. Experts recommend to pull out eyebrows in the direction of growth of hairs. As hairs on eyebrows as well as on other parts of the body, are covered with secretion of sebaceous glands, it is recommended to powder slightly before correction eyebrows. 2. Calculation of length of eyebrows is very simple. For this purpose the pencil undertakes and it is put from nose wing to external corner of eye, and then to internal. These lines will be borders of the beginning and end of eyebrow. Also...

How to accelerate growth of eyelashes in house conditions

  Many women dream of long fluffy eyelashes, but such wealth not everyone has. Usually much should be content with rather short and rare eyelashes. There is number of ways which will help with house conditions to accelerate growth of eyelashes. By means of ink not always it turns out the effect wishing to achieve. It is important to look after correctly eyelashes, and then they can become dense. First of all, it is very important to clean carefully skin of eyelid and eyelashes from the make-up remains, it is impossible to wash away it usual water, it is necessary to use special liquids and make-up remover milk. It is better not to wash eyes with usual soap as it overhears skin and results in fragility of eyelashes. Broth of calendula and camomile, cool tea will help growth of eyelashes. It is possible to wipe with these broths eyes or to do lotions. Very well for growth of eyelashes help coconut, peach or castor oil. However you watch that oil has not got into eyes. Also c...

How to pierce ears in house conditions I

  f to pierce ears, professionals it is not going to address for some reason or other, it is necessary to observe disinfection carefully. And in house conditions it is possible to execute this manipulation without serious consequences, and punctures will quickly begin to live. In auricle the set of reflex zones is concentrated. If on ignorance to mention important points, it is possible to break work of some body unintentionally. That it did not happen, it is better to choose the place for puncture in the center of lobe or is 0.5 mm higher. In this place there is no cartilage, and the puncture turns out easier and almost without pain. What to prepare for piercing of ears It is necessary to prepare in advance everything that can be necessary for manipulation performance. It is medical alcohol and sterile cotton wool, peroxide of hydrogen and, of course, needle. It has to be rather sharp, not thick and not thin. The marking on lobe can be made by means of toothpick and needle. ...