How to pull out eyebrows

 To give the beautiful form to eyebrows independently, arm with tweezers and magnifying mirror. The final luster to eyebrows will be given by cosmetics. The pencil, shadows or wax will paint over bald spots, will make hairs brighter and brilliant.

We choose shape of eyebrows

Today the natural look is fashionable. You should not turn eyebrows into thin threads, moderately wide and not too curved arches are much more relevant. A lot of things depend also on shape of face. The lines are larger, the more widely there have to be eyebrows. To square or rectangular face eyebrows with easy break will go, roundish more harmonious looks with arc-shaped. The oval face will suit graceful eyebrows vrazlt, narrowed to temples.

It is possible to determine ideal length by pencil. Apply it to the person so that it was parallel to nose and concerned edge of nostril. The place of contact with eyebrow will show in what place there has to be its beginning. Turn pencil so that it touched nostril and passed through external corner of eye. The point where the pencil will touch eyebrow, will specify its termination. Excess hairs can be pulled out and if the eyebrow is too short, it is worth finishing drawing it.

With age rules change. Consider that too long, dark and wide eyebrows age. Having slightly truncated them, you will give to the face fervent expression and will make it more young-looking.

We pull out eyebrows by rules

Having decided what form, length and width will be had by your eyebrows, start plucking out. Wipe skin with lotion without alcohol. If you are very sensitive to pain, make warm compress - it will make process less unpleasant. For plucking out use tweezers from steel with flat, moderately wide tips. Such model well takes even the smallest hairs. You watch that edges of tweezers were not too keen and did not injure skin. Choose well lit place and take magnifying mirror. At first remove hairs on nose bridge, trying not to pull out superfluous. Pull out hairs in the direction of their growth, it is less painful. Then issue the lower part of arch. Consider that at nose bridge of eyebrow have to be wider, being narrowed to temples. In the last turn put "tails" of eyebrows in order. If you like eyebrows "lodge", take away a few hairs the center. It is important not to overdo - unsuccessfully remote hairs can not grow. Constantly estimate result at mirror. For bigger convenience brush eyebrows with special hairbrush or small men's comb. That eyebrows have turned out symmetric, carry out operations in parallel. At first issue nose bridge, then middle part of both eyebrows. Too long hairs can be cut accurately cuticle scissors. If skin has reddened and has swelled up a little, calm it cold compress. In conclusion tint arches special shadows, soft powdery pencil or color wax. Do the small parallel strokes imitating natural hairs. To tint eyebrows conveniently flat slanted brush or the thin latex applicator. Additional gloss will be added by colourless gel. He will smooth the sticking-out hairs and will give to eyebrows very well-groomed look.;Executive+Programs+Calendar&Referrer=


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