How to marry the businessman

 Having read fairy tales, many girls wait for the prince on a white game. But presently not so there is a lot of princes therefore girls should take business in hand. Not for nothing ladies tried to obtain feminism? Businessmen same princes. They are self-assured, clever and spoiled by female attention so, the task costs not simple. As to become for it one and only?


1. For a start it is necessary to attract attention. The bird of such flight is surrounded in most cases by many beauties. You have to be not from shy ten favourably to be allocated. It is not rather simple to have good external data and courtesy. Provocation is necessary! A risky method, but with its help you will be able: 1. At once to declare oneself. 2. To show that you put yourself higher than the level of people around.3. To attract interest from object of desire.

2. To show that you want it, too one of important aspects. Even the most self-assured man is not deprived of complexes. He needs to know well that he, is sexually attractive. Not to doubt that you wish him not from mercenary motives.

3. It is important to men to feel powerful. Therefore it is necessary to show to the man the dependence on it. Allowing an object of the adoration to protect you, to be a support, you will give a compliment to his vanity and the attachment will become stronger. The weakness and vulnerability of women usually brings men.

4. The dinner made with own hand is always more tasty than bought. Using this example, it is possible to draw a conclusion that stronger we love people in whom we put something. Allow the man to be your teacher. On a threshold of the important decision ask it council, and then he will feel the responsibility for you, to it will be wanted to preserve you. So you strengthen the positions, will show that to you his opinion is important.

5. Women always want to be helped with all spheres of life of darling. But to climb in its work categorically dangerously. Conversations about work, perhaps, will strengthen your friendship, but will destroy the atmosphere of tranquility which is so appreciated by men, being near the beloved. It is necessary that he with you forgot about all efforts, felt serenity. Because of it your elect will wish more meetings specifically with you.

6. Of course tears the quite good tool for manipulation. But much more advantageous position of the cheerful and careless woman. You have to be a joy source, light ray in the man's life. So you will save yourself from the unpleasant associations which are postponed at the subconscious level.

7. Love for mother one of the most strong feelings accompanying the man throughout all life. And whatever ideal girl you were, she it will be all the same very important for it. You can yaro hate his relatives, but, by no means, it is impossible to show it openly. And those Bol cannot present the man with a choice "I or they!". It will be perceived as that hostile and unpleasant. And we try to obtain not it?


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