How to pierce ears in house conditions I

 f to pierce ears, professionals it is not going to address for some reason or other, it is necessary to observe disinfection carefully. And in house conditions it is possible to execute this manipulation without serious consequences, and punctures will quickly begin to live.

In auricle the set of reflex zones is concentrated. If on ignorance to mention important points, it is possible to break work of some body unintentionally. That it did not happen, it is better to choose the place for puncture in the center of lobe or is 0.5 mm higher. In this place there is no cartilage, and the puncture turns out easier and almost without pain.

What to prepare for piercing of ears

It is necessary to prepare in advance everything that can be necessary for manipulation performance. It is medical alcohol and sterile cotton wool, peroxide of hydrogen and, of course, needle. It has to be rather sharp, not thick and not thin. The marking on lobe can be made by means of toothpick and needle.

To relieve pain at special sensitivity, it is possible to use the anesthetizing medicine – for example, lidocaine. It is chosen in the form of gel or aerosol – to whom as it is more convenient. If anesthetic is used, the instruction to it it is necessary to read and arrive attentively in strict accordance with it.

As it is correct to execute piercing of ears

Hair from face should be taken away in tail. To process the surface of lobe alcohol. Places where the puncture will be made, are outlined by means of iodine and toothpick. To put ends also from external, and lobe inside. To prepare earring – to wash up water with soap, to process alcohol. It is possible to leave it between the cotton pads moistened with alcohol so far. To process alcohol needle and to heat it on fire. To remove scale cotton wool with alcohol. Holding lobe with one hand, the tip of needle is leaned against point on outer side of ear. At first on needle it is necessary to press only slightly – so it will be possible to direct tip to the second point located on inside. It is necessary to enter needle sharply, with small effort. So it is possible to avoid painful feelings almost completely. Having pierced lobe, the needle should be pulled out at once. The earring at once is inserted into the turned-out hole – if to linger, the wound can drag on. To wipe ear with the inserted earring with alcohol. To make also with the second ear. At first in ears it is required to look after wounds well. Healing will take place the quicker, than rules of hygiene are followed more carefully. It is regularly necessary to carry out processing by peroxide or alcohol, at the same time to move handle of earring in opening. In case of suppuration it is necessary to apply antimicrobic means for processing of purulent wounds on area of inflammation. Until ears have healed, it is better to carry hair taken away that particles of hairspray or other pollution did not get to wounds. It is better to sleep on rigid pillow, changing pillowcase more often.[$targetIndex]&encoding=yes&maillink=false&;url=


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