Simple secrets of family happiness

 That marriage was happy, it is necessary to use certain efforts to both spouses. Psychologists often compare family life to construction of the building: from that, how exactly and accurately each of partners "will lay bricks", durability of built "construction" depends.

Happy marriage demands certain investments. What components are? First of all, mutual respect between spouses. It has to be present always, at any situations. If someone from partners does not respect other, its right and desire, then about what relations he can there be a speech?! This statement can be considered on the example of a specific situation.

For example, the husband comes back home late from work and wishes to have a rest a little, having retired to the office. The wife ignores desire of the husband, perfidiously interferes in his personal space and begins to tell the tired spouse about various events, problems, etc. On the husband's requests for a while to leave him alone does not react, believing that her desire above all. Such or similar situations inevitably lead to aggravation of the interpersonal relations and scandals. Emotions are tensed, spouses in a verbal sparring begin to remember each other bygone events, insults and reproaches can be put to use. Also other option of an outcome of events – the angry reticence, innuendo, rage is possible. It would seem how it is just possible to avoid similar aggravations – rather simply to learn to respect feelings and desires of other person.

Husbands and wives should understand and accept one truth: the person living near you is not your property. He can have interests, own territory of inviolability in the house, etc. Of course, it does not mean that it is necessary to build your relations the most free, but also to smother each other infinite cavils, reproaches and control it is not necessary too.

The essence of marriage is that it unites two equal people who, as well as before registration of the relations in the REGISTRY OFFICE, have to treat with respect to each other, but not seek to change the partner for itself, to do of it someone the one who is convenient for you and your family life. Such aspiration will surely cause a reciprocal protest, and your relations can appear under the threat.

If you seriously thought of a question how to keep marriage, try one more effective remedy for family wellbeing: you speak to your husband or the wife "thanks". Do not take all actions of your partner for granted, express sincere gratitude and it will serve as an additional component in the cementing solution for the "building" built by you.

In case divorce as it seems to you, inevitably, attentively re-read once again the above councils and try to put them into practice, the result will not keep itself waiting! To find compatibility in marriage, at all it is optional to go to astrologers and fortunetellers, just learn to respect desires and needs of each other.[$targetIndex]&encoding=yes&maillink=false&


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