We inspire men on a feat

 The woman is in many respects responsible for success of the man. Not only women, but also the most successful men agree with it. What does the woman of the successful man differ from many others in? Let's try to understand that needs to be done in order that the man sought to conquer all new and new peaks.


1. The woman has to believe in the man. Sincerely and deeply. Always, it is absolute in any situation. Even if nothing is impossible to the man neither yesterday, nor today, nor a week ago – the woman has to believe in him.

2. It is necessary to say to the man that everything will turn out. He needs support even if he tells nothing. It is impossible to reproach him with failures. On the contrary, it is worth supporting and encouraging. To convince that tomorrow surely there will be something good! And all plans will be carried out if not to lower a hand.

3. Constructive criticism. You should not accuse after failure the man of all mortal sins and to point out all defects and mistakes. Encourage, and later ask whether you should not reconsider behavior tactics in some moments? Maybe it is worth trying new strategy? To accurately bring it to new options of behavior. But it is not necessary to insist. Only to offer. The man has to make decisions independently.

4. Houses the man have to wait for heat and a cosiness. After all burdens of the working day he needs to be surrounded with care and love. Of course, nobody cancelled household chores. But they can be postponed for half an hour. And at this time to drink to tea, to talk to family or to read the newspaper.

5. It is necessary to be interested in affairs of the man. He has to feel – what it does – very important and significant for family. Try to penetrate into its affairs, but not just to ask out of politeness, without listening to the further answer.

6. It is necessary to share the achievements and problems. Not only to be interested in affairs of the man, but also to ask his opinion on other questions. Even if the woman – the housewife, to you it is not necessary to resolve all issues in the house independently. Take an interest in opinion of the man. It and his house too.

7. The woman herself has to be successful. It does not mean at all that the woman has to care only for the career. It is possible to be successful also in a condition of the housewife. The main thing – internal feeling of the woman. You should not forget about yourself: there have to be occupations allowing to prove and feel success, some hobby, a hobby.

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