
How to marry by calculation

Healthy way of life —   life hacks —   The science —   Career and Business —   Garage —   Drink and drink —   Community —   Actual —   Creatures —   Children —   Ghero — Some women when choosing future spouse prefer to rely not on feelings, and on reason. The marriage of convenience not necessarily...

How to make the husband successful

  The success of the man in many respects depends on the correct behavior of the woman. If you constantly criticize and humiliate the husband, say that he is a loser - do not count on his career development. Only the clever and wise woman is capable to create such situation in the house, to so lift the spouse's self-assessment that it will reach any heights. Instruction 1. In life of everything it is necessary to try to obtain. Do not think that someone reached much, became successful because he is lucky. It, as a rule, incorrect statement. That to achieve something, it is necessary to aspire to it, to work hard, overcome laziness and diffidence. And, above all the condition of success is an existence by a number of the person who believes in you, supports and understands, listens and prompts the right decision. 2. Now to promote, it is necessary to have a good education. Now many seek to get also second higher education to be competitive in labor market, to have a possibi...

How to marry the businessman

  Having read fairy tales, many girls wait for the prince on a white game. But presently not so there is a lot of princes therefore girls should take business in hand. Not for nothing ladies tried to obtain feminism? Businessmen same princes. They are self-assured, clever and spoiled by female attention so, the task costs not simple. As to become for it one and only? Instruction 1. For a start it is necessary to attract attention. The bird of such flight is surrounded in most cases by many beauties. You have to be not from shy ten favourably to be allocated. It is not rather simple to have good external data and courtesy. Provocation is necessary! A risky method, but with its help you will be able: 1. At once to declare oneself. 2. To show that you put yourself higher than the level of people around.3. To attract interest from object of desire. 2. To show that you want it , too one of important aspects. Even the most self-assured man is not deprived of complexes. He needs to ...

Fictitious marriage: to whom it is necessary

  Fictitious marriage meets in life not so seldom. It can be nullified by court if one of the parties did not know about intentions of other party to receive only material benefits. There is a lot of reasons at fictitious marriage, and a conclusion situation its different. It can be the mutual arrangement, and there can be an illegal behavior of one of the parties. Fictitious marriage: for what it is necessary Announcements with the offer to get married for a certain sum of money it is possible to find a set today. As a rule, their labor migrants from the next abroad which it is difficult to be in the country give. They pay the owner of housing the stipulated money and receive registration for its living spaces on legal grounds. Upon cancellation of such marriage they will be struck off the registration register. But provided that "spouse" weak, and "husband" or "wife" look after him, they can inherit a living space under the law. The second option...

As the husband has to meet the wife from work

  Work, especially if it heavy, seldom paints the woman. Because of fatigue and a stress it can come home in dejectedness. The loving husband has to be always ready to it and the nobility how to lighten the mood to the spouse. Instruction 1. Make a dinner. Some women just hate to be engaged in cooking after heavy day of work. Prepare a favourite dish of your wife or think up something the. Beautifully laid table by candlelight can become the real surprise. Meet the woman dressed in an apron to look really careful husband. The economy of men can excite women and excite them imagination. 2. Fill with hot water a bathtub. Add fragrant salt or put petals of roses in water. The woman will be immensely glad that she her waits for the house the real day spa. It is possible to buy in addition various aromatic and looking after hair preparations and skin. 3. Make sure thatMake sure that in the house a full order. It is unlikely the woman will be delighted to a thought that it is ne...

As the husband's wife has to meet

  Do not leave good wives, appreciate them and protect, ask them for the help and council. They are loved and cherished. The clever woman knows subtleties of family life and secrets of strong marriage. One of such secrets how to meet the beloved husband from work. Instruction 1. It is natural to meet the husband from work, it is necessary to have time for household chores and for itself, in other words, it is necessary to be the housewife. The working women not always have time for the husband's meeting, but it pays off the fact that they bring the contribution to the family budget too. But if your elect is able to allow you not to work, you have to try suit him "dolce vita" out of working hours. 2. Meeting the husband from work, take care of the appearance. If you spend the most part of time at home, it does not mean that it is possible to cease to watch himself. The appearance is important for the woman therefore buy beautiful home clothing and get rid of shapeles...

The men's habits conducting to a divorce

  There are no ideal people. And in everyone there are trifles which can irritate. And depends on both partners how successful will be this union. There are several simple, but obligatory rules for men which will help to strengthen marriage. What should be avoided to the man if he does not want marriage to break up? Not casual quarrels, but daily trifles which undermine even the strongest relations are the reason of disintegration of marriage . 1. Criticism. Try to restrain when there is a wish to bite. For it not only the wife, but also many people, for example colleagues, friends or just casual acquaintances will tell you thanks. Your wife in day makes a set of acts. Try to comment on those she worked well in which, naturally, from a positive side. It is worth learning to appreciate those who try for you. The words of love will make much more for your benefit. 2. Total control. At all not everything that it does you has to be controlled. Amount of salt in soup or qualit...