Fictitious marriage: to whom it is necessary

 Fictitious marriage meets in life not so seldom. It can be nullified by court if one of the parties did not know about intentions of other party to receive only material benefits.

There is a lot of reasons at fictitious marriage, and a conclusion situation its different. It can be the mutual arrangement, and there can be an illegal behavior of one of the parties.

Fictitious marriage: for what it is necessary

Announcements with the offer to get married for a certain sum of money it is possible to find a set today. As a rule, their labor migrants from the next abroad which it is difficult to be in the country give. They pay the owner of housing the stipulated money and receive registration for its living spaces on legal grounds. Upon cancellation of such marriage they will be struck off the registration register. But provided that "spouse" weak, and "husband" or "wife" look after him, they can inherit a living space under the law.

The second option of acquisition of a living space is more immoral in fact when young female young men look for aged partners and get married with them in hope to become rich successors soon. At the same time they try to accelerate date of the introduction in inheritance. In this situation submit the legal claim relatives of the victim with the requirement to nullify marriage can.

Marriage as cover

Some people of nonconventional orientation famous or just famous to a wide range to avoid gossips, enter official marriage. At the same time they agree with future "half" about it. One party covers the preferences, the second – receives the high public status. This option of marriage though is fictitious, but in court to nullify it, nobody will go because the situation suits both parties.

Results of fictitious marriage

Legally marriage will be considered as valid if in it the child with all that it implies the rights and obligations of the parties appeared. If it is got married formally, without obligations on the one hand, and the second party waits for reciprocity and demands it, then it should prove in court that it became subject to deception. At cancellation of such marriage no property duties arise, and everything that was acquired, shares between "spouses" in proportion to their contribution. If it was got married with the purpose to receive in it material benefits, giving for it an opportunity to use the young body, then the disappointment will come very quickly. Usually it concerns young girls who are ready to go to the REGISTRY OFFICE with anyone if only it was rich. They risk to appear in the power of the tyrant before whom will lecture for each spent ruble in writing with the application of the check. And in case of a divorce will leave in in what came.


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