How to marry by calculation

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Some women when choosing future spouse prefer to rely not on feelings, and on reason. The marriage of convenience not necessarily assumes material benefit. Sometimes it is the union with that man who most of all suits you on life.


1. Decide on the life priorities. Think that it is the most important for you: love, children, money, career, understanding, support, cheerful company and so on. From that, on what are you doing accent in the destiny, what partner will be suitable you for marriage depends.

2. Think what your expectations concerning future spouse. It is important to select several main requirements to the potential groom. You should not make the infinite list of qualities which your husband has to have - hardly you will find such young man. Allocate the main thing.

3. Depending on that why you want to marry, you should decide on the place of search of future husband. If you look for the serious young man, look round at work or ask the friends to acquaint you with the reliable man. If for you it is important to receive in husbands of that guy who will be a great father, perhaps, it is worth conducting search and among those young people who have no addictions or already have experience on education of children.

4. Think whether you are ready to correspond to the man of that type which attracts you. If you look for in husbands of the rich businessman, answer a question whether you will wait for it in the lonely evenings, work will take away from it much more time, than from the hired worker. Besides, it should be taken into accountit should be taken into account that than more merits at the representative of an opposite sex, most likely, the man is more exacting than subjects.

5. Whatever cold your calculation was, you need to recognize future husband, to give it the chance to get acquainted well with you. Make sure that the man suits you. Even if you have no love for the groom, you have to sympathize with the man, otherwise your life can turn into hell.

6. Try to build up the relationship in your couple so that between you there were a respect and understanding. Without these components the marriage will not last long. Also the harmony in intimate life is important. That your husband was near you, think that you are ready to give him. At the woman in love by itself leaves to care for the young man, in every possible way to humour him and to tempt every day. And you should think specially how to strengthen your relations.

7. Become good friends with the groom. Let you will have the general hobby. The man and the woman who are not connected at least by joint hobby will not be able to be long together. You see off time together more and look for a common ground.


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