Days of beauty and health in August according to the Lunar calendar: The 2nd part

 Continuation of recommendations and councils for maintenance of beauty and health according to the Lunar calendar for August


On August 16, Friday, the Moon in Fishes

This day should be devoted to beauty and health of the lower extremities, to pay special attention to prevention and fight against fungal infections. Baths with grass infusion of sage or camomile will help with it. Also lymphatic drainage massage for removal of toxins with excess liquid from organism will be the most effective. It not only will give healthy shade to skin, but also will help to smooth it. If necessary procedures of manicure and pedicure, epilation and depilation, treatment of skin and clarification of time are recommended.

In the gym to pay the maximum attention to zone of press and all central part of trunk. It not only will help to leave folds and subcutaneous fat, but also to emphasize body contours.

This day the liver, fingers of legs and foot will become vulnerable. Prevention of flat-footedness and varicosity will be useful. Carefully it is necessary to treat intake of drug and any liquids, you should not experiment with new cosmetic products.

On August 17, Saturday, the Moon in Fishes

Recommendations of last day. In addition to pay attention to the problems connected with various diseases of skin. Today it is worth including lymphatic drainage massage and aromatic therapy in daily routine.

The greatest efficiency will be brought by pumping of muscles of press, also aerobic exercises in the mode of high intensity will be useful, that actively involve feet.

Weak spots and other recommendations about health the same. 

On August 18, Sunday, the Moon in Fishes

Lymphatic drainage massage, removal of undesirable hair, fight against fungal infections, clarification and skin nourishment are recommended this Sunday.

Today's training should be held in the mode of high efficiency, squeezing out itself on full with the main emphasis on the middle of trunk.

Recommendations about health are left without changes.

On August 19, Monday, the Moon in the Aries

It is the best of all to devote today to state and appearance of face skin. The means which are the most suitable for this purpose will be those that are made on the basis of house ingredients, with selection of the most useful to the type of skin. It is recommended to begin with the cleaning masks and visit of cryogenic sauna.

Continuation of the active period of trainings. We direct the main load of buttocks and press in the mode kardio or by means of aerobic exercises.

There can be tension in the head and all related bodies. Favorable day for long foot walks in the fresh air, solutions of esthetic problems: the grown nails, warts, papillomas.

On August 20, Tuesday, the Moon in the Aries

All attention to skin of face and neck. The cleaning masks and srubs prepared independently in house conditions will become in the great way to support tone and fresh look.

In the gym it is worth holding training in the mode intensive karidio. Exercises on the lower part of trunk are useful: buttocks, press, muscles of legs.

Adverse day for any operations. It is better to spend it in the fresh air.

On August 21, Wednesday, the Moon in the Taurus

In addition to area of the face and neck to add decollete zone. It is safely possible to use any means and procedures. The current Wednesday is ideal for shopping.

At trainings to work the central part of body, area of basin and hips more carefully. And here you should not strain muscles of neck and cervical vertebras.

Adverse day for area of throat, neck and jaw. This Wednesday it is better to strain less vocal chords, to have warm tea with milk and not to overeat.

On August 22, Thursday, the Moon in the Taurus

This day it is recommended to avoid consumption of high-calorific food, but it is impossible to ignore diet. There is aggravation of the esthetic beginning therefore it is worth allocating time in the second half of day for purchase of cosmetics.

Attention on Thursday will demand muscle of stomach and buttocks, hip. It is not necessary to strain cervical muscles.

Weak spots remain the same. Recommendations remain

On August 23, Friday, the Moon in Twins

Any difficult cosmetology procedures. This day is capable to do much harm more, than to solve problems. Basis of Friday – relaxation and rest: water and massage procedures, visit of sunbed. To pay special attention to care for skin of hands.

Change of phase of the Moon can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, the general breakdown and emotional depression. Therefore current Friday from trainings it is worth having a rest.

Any operations, deep purification of leather, permanent make-up. All attention to hair, their hairstyle and coloring.

On August 24, Saturday, the Moon in Twins

This day is favorable for removal of pigmental spots, including old, alignments of complexion and giving to skin of fresh and healthy look. Clarification and food for all body, visit of sunbed and the all-strengthening massage are recommended on Saturday. It is better to choose the looking after cosmetics with light texture, giving preference to skins, emulsions and fluids.

In the hall today emphasis on muscles of hips and pumping of legs in the sparing mode. You should not strain muscles of upper body.

The humeral belt, hands and respiratory organs need special care. Therefore it is necessary to avoid cool and smoked rooms. 

On August 25, Sunday, the Moon in Twins

Alignment of the person, removal of freckles and elimination of pigmentation will be the most effective today.

The training should be held in the sparing mode with study of lower body.

Recommendations about health do not change.

On August 26, Monday, the Moon in Cancer

Today it is possible to afford everything that long ago there was a wish or it was planned. Mesotherapy of the person plastic surgeries on stomach and face, piercing, tattoo it is worth doing this day, here it is possible to carry also campaign to the dentist, removal of undesirable hair in the person, plucking out and giving of form to eyebrows. The special attention will be required to breast skin.

At this time it is necessary to work densely over muscles and joints of the lower extremities. It can be power loadings, step aerobics and jumps. It is a high time to be engaged in strengthening of backbone, excepting load of muscles of stomach and breasts.

Become vulnerable area of breast and thorax, liver, gall bladder and stomach. It is necessary to refrain from the use of new and unfamiliar drugs and alcohol. If there is need, it is worth being engaged in the treatment of legs, sinews, diseases connected with metabolic disorder and also to visit the manual therapist.

On August 27, Tuesday, the Moon in Cancer

Time for visit of the cosmetologist and holding procedures this day in the forenoon. In the second half it is worth paying attention to face zone, it is possible to do tattoo, piercing, mesotherapy, plastics, including on stomach, to depilate undesirable, to address the stomatologist.

In the gym it is necessary to concentrate attention on the lower part of trunk. The power and strengthening exercises for pelvic area of joints and muscles of legs are recommended. By the way the articulate gymnastics and jogs is necessary. Permissible load on backbone and back, and here muscle of breast and stomach it is better not to involve.

Recommendations about health do not change.

On August 28, Wednesday, the Moon in Lev

The current Wednesday is suitable for performing any plastic surgeries, mesotherapy of any part of the body, especially what the rejuvenating and revitalizing effects have. It is worth including visit of cryogenic sauna in daily routine. Ideal day for visit of hairdressing salon, hair extension and eyelashes, drawing tattoos and permanent make-up. And later it is possible to go to do shopping for house cosmetology procedures. It is not necessary to carry out the cleaning procedures in any way, and and on epilation in general it is better to cancel campaigns in sunbed. 

Only small loadings. To exclude karidio as vulnerability of cardiovascular system has increased. The sparing exercises for legs, massage and foot walks.

Besides cardiovascular system, areas of the head, back and breast are subject to risk this day. Starvation is not recommended, and origin in the menu it is better to limit animal food.

On August 29, Thursday, the Moon in Lev

The current Thursday should be devoted entirely to studying the clothes and habitual make-up. It is not necessary to be afraid to experiment with images and styles. Cleaning and leaving of skin will require means with light structure. This day it is possible to make hairstyle, wave or procedures for hair care, without use of hot air when drying.

The cardiovascular system will not allow to play sports actively again. Therefore we load the lower extremities with foot walks and small power loadings.

Recommendations about health are left without changes.

On August 30, Friday, the Moon in the Maiden, new moon

On Friday, only ordinary daily procedures are resolved, having paid special attention to skin of hands and appearance of nails. When choosing cosmetics in shops, preference should be given to ecological and safe products with natural ingredients. Face skin and bodies will become sensitive therefore it is better to refuse deep cleanings and srubs.

It is day of passive rest and easy walk in the fresh air.

You watch arterial blood pressure, postpone visits of doctors and cosmetologists for more favorable time. In new moon of force of organism exacerbations of chronic diseases with further complication are weakened, possible.

On August 31, Saturday, the Moon in the Maiden

Any hairdresser's procedures, manicure, pedicure, removal of callosities, peeling, plastic surgeries, but not in waist, visit of the trichologist, eyelash extension and hair, coloring of eyebrows will be successful.

It is again possible to be engaged actively in the gym, to the maximum loading lower body. If heavy loadings do not attract, it is possible to be engaged Akwa in aerobics.

In the last day of month vulnerable are digestive organs. It is worth arranging starvation or to exclude high-calorific food from daily diet.

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