Favorable days of beauty and health in August according to the Lunar calendar: 1 part

 August traditionally is considered summer month without special tension thanks to reduction of quantity of stressful situations. This time is ideal for more attentive attitude towards the appearance, holding various cosmetology procedures, including with injections and pricks, for changes in style and even cardinal change of hair color, daily make-up and image. As when to do, it is possible to learn, having studied the recommendations of the Lunar calendar of beauty and health.

The lunar calendar – the fine tool for any person who is watching the appearance, regularly visiting doctors and cosmetologists. Not to do much harm to itself and to carry out procedures with the most positive effect, before their carrying out it is worth checking information on change of lunar days and position of the satellite of Earth in zodiac signs.

On August 3, Saturday, the Moon in the Maiden

The favorable period for care for problem skin of the head and the address to the trichologist, it is also worth visiting the expert or to organize house session of clarification and arrangement of integuments, it also belongs to fungal infection and callosities. This Saturday it is possible to be engaged actively in hair and eyelashes, including their coloring and building.

Today it is worth giving more time to active physical activities, both aerobic, and power. But it is better to postpone training for middle part of trunk to other time.

This day, digestive organs and the head will become the most vulnerable. It will be better to clean intestines with infusion of herbs. Also abstention from food or starvation will be useful. Also there will be great health and advantage for all organism at visit this Saturday of bath or saunas.

On August 4, Sunday, the Moon in the Maiden, from 16:30 in Scales

This day is ideal for procedures for rejuvenation of all organism in any available ways, including medical and cosmetology in beauty shops or specialized institutions. The bath or sauna, massage, session in the pool – all this will also make the positive impact in fight for extension of youth.

Today the trend of Saturday for hair and eyelashes proceeds. Not superfluous will be to visit the professional makeup artist to receive several lessons of competent use of cosmetics for creation of daily and evening images. For face skin and the head it is worth being limited to drawing the nutritious or calming masks today. You should not go this Sunday to do shopping and to begin some new procedures, especially those that go course.

Day time should be found for strong loadings, and to relax on yoga, Pilates or water aerobics in the evening. Special attention should be paid to lower body.

This Sunday under blow again digestive organs, the risk of viral infections is also high.

On August 5, Monday, the Moon in Scales

This Monday it is possible to carry out any water procedures for increase in tone of organism: the hot bathroom, the weakening bath, the pool. If to combine them with massage, then it will optimum affect the general appearance and health.

Day perfectly is suitable for operations, plastics, injections and pricks, visit of the stomatologist. The exception should be made in case operations touch kidneys, urinogenital or endocrine systems, area of hips or pancreas. Now they are most vulnerable. 

It is authorized to carry out any cosmetology procedures for face skin and body: peelings, wrappings, masks and also manicure, wave, hairstyle or coloring of hair. The procedures directed to fight against excess weight will be useful.

Current Monday it is possible to be engaged in strong physical exercises, but the main thing not to be overzealous. The yoga, extension or swimming in the pool will become the best option. It is also possible to go safely to do shopping.

On August 6, Tuesday, the Moon in Scales, from 18:31 in the Scorpion

Today is extremely undesirable to any procedures of beauty, because of position of the Moon. It levels all efforts, and any actions will be inefficient and useless. Therefore the simplest and logical will be to visit massage parlor or sauna. If there are serious problems with hair or with head skin, then right now it is worth addressing the corresponding expert; if there are no such problems, then it is simple to visit the hairdresser. Also it is worth paying more attention to eyelashes and eyebrows. For face care only the calming and nutritious masks are recommended. And for support of organism it is better to carry out aromatic therapy.

This Tuesday it is worth visiting the gym and to work strongly, avoiding big loads of areas of basin and hips. It is worth approaching accurately exercises on extension. But occupations front gymnastics and procedures against double chin will yield excellent result.

This day the same bodies are again vulnerable, as in previous, in addition it is worth being kept from infection with viral infections.

On August 7, Wednesday, the Moon in the Scorpion

Today it is worth taking care of teeth, having beforehand registered to the stomatologist and also to pay special attention to zone of face and neck. It is worth thinking of saturation of skin on the specified sites vitamins through various nutritious masks and compresses with infusion of herbs. Favorable impact will be made by aromatic therapy.

On organism in this phase of the Moon the set of negative impacts from the outside therefore it is worth refusing any physical trainings is made and to arrange small break.

Cold can trap in any place, the bladder and genital bodies are vulnerable this day. It is better to exclude sexual contacts this day. Also exacerbation of hemorrhoids, appendix is not possible.

On August 8, Thursday, the Moon in the Scorpion

Today it is worth concentrating attention on surrounding situation and to find time for household chores: to clean up the apartment, to spread out things in the places, to lay fresh linen. There are no special recommendations about personal care this day. But it is possible to begin active fight against age changes and also to devote part of day to performing aromatic therapy.

At visit of the gym you should not load strongly pelvic area, and to refuse exercises one extension better. It is more attention to concentrate on front gymnastics, especially that part which is directed to fight against double chin.

Any operations are adverse today. It is better not to make any serious actions at all, having distributed them for more favorable days.

On August 9, Friday, the Moon in the Sagittarius

This day will be not just favorable for any available ways of fight against orange-peel, but also good start for carrying out course of the anti-cellulite program (but without injections, pricks and surgical intervention). It is worth paying special attention to the revitalizing procedures within course, for example, to visit of cryogenic sauna or session of cryomassage. In addition it is worth allocating time for visit of salon of manicure and pedicure.

Current Friday it is necessary to work actively with muscles of upper extremities. Loadings of average intensity and also training in the average mode kardio are acceptable, and here and load of legs it is better to avoid long foot walks.

You should not do blood transfusion this day or to take blood test as veins are vulnerable. In addition the thorax, liver and hips are open to attack.

On August 10, Saturday, the Moon in the Sagittarius

Continuation of the anti-cellulite program begun the day before and also addition with its set of exercises and procedures for fight against excess weight, besides, exclusively simple means, without violation of integuments. Skin should be indulged with vitamins B type of nutritious masks from natural ingredients, at the same time to pay special attention to the person and to carry out the rejuvenating procedures with putting special cosmetics.

This day is ideal for the all-strengthening sports training with the emphasis on upper extremities. For this purpose power exercises will be suitable for pumping of muscles of hands and shoulders.

Problems with organism the same, as yesterday. Restrictions without changes.

On August 11, Sunday, the Moon in the Capricorn

The spontaneity and wild behavior can be shown this Sunday so it is worth watching the acts and words. It is the best of all to direct this energy to physical exercises or to collection of information about novelties in the field of cosmetology, useful and effective procedures for improvement of appearance.

Today it is worth visiting salon of manicure and pedicure and also to pay attention to head skin. The effect will be long if to glance to the depilation specialist or epilation.

It is worth involving pectoral muscles in the gym, at the same time especially without loading backbone and knees, to refuse jumps.

It is better to refrain from visit of the dentist and not to do sharp movements. Bones and backbone in risk group. Favorable day for treatment of stomach and carrying out respiratory gymnastics.

On August 12, Monday, the Moon in the Capricorn

One more day favorable for start of the program for fight against excess weight. It is worth visiting the cosmetologist and the dermatologist. For area of the face and neck masks from house ingredients will be good feed: oil, sour-milk products, berries, vegetables.

Average loads of pectoral muscles and the all-strengthening exercises should be included in daily routine. To treat accurately knee joints.

On health the bans and recommendations remain the same.

On August 13, Tuesday, the Moon in the Capricorn

Today it is worth paying attention to condition of integument of all body, but without visit of cosmetology procedures. Instead it is worth visiting massage parlor, the pool and sauna. The procedure stone therapy will be the most useful. One more day, suitable for depilation. Peeling and deep cleaning of skin it is necessary to refuse.

It is better to hold training in the mode kardio average intensity for the all-strengthening effect. To try not to load knees and backbone.

Bones and backbone should keep, be not to done sharp movements today, not to visit the stomatologist. To pay attention to stomach and respiratory gymnastics.

On August 14, Wednesday, the Moon in Aquarius

This day will be marked by desire of changes, as in itself, and around. Usually such desires come to an end badly: purchase of unnecessary things, unsuccessful change of image, damage of hair by spontaneously picked up color, deplorable experiments with make-up and image. To avoid from it, it is better to go to the gym, to carry out water procedures with massage.

If there are no special aspirations to changes, then it is possible to go for treatment on rejuvenation, permanent make-up, manicure, pedicure, suntan.

In the hall it is worth paying attention to exercises for pumping of muscles of back and strengthening of backbone. Will be useful and kardio on average the mode, but without special load of ankle joints.

That by the evening legs and veins did not hurt, it is necessary to refuse heels and long foot walks. Also you should not treat arthritis, diseases of eyes and teeth today. To include the food containing vegetable fats in diet.

On August 15, Thursday, the Moon in Aquarius, full moon at 15:29

This day, risks for health therefore it is better to refrain from any cosmetology procedures become aggravated. Full moon special time when it is recommended to postpone all important actions to more favorable days. This Thursday it is worth paying attention to clarification of integuments, holding water procedures and also to write down on massage session cold and hot stones.

To refuse visit of the gym and any physical activity, any operations and any impact on hair, nails and body. And to cosmetologists to postpone all visits to beauty shops.

To watch closely the consumed food as the risk of food poisoning increases

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