How to make the Hollywood smile

 The snow-white, attracting, fascinating smiles of movie stars of Hollywood... Many would like is also dazzling to smile and try to catch delighted looks of people around, but it is given not all. Do you think that it is impossible? The modern stomatology works wonders so get acquainted with secrets of stars and forward.


1. Literally all film actors of Hollywood possess beautiful, bewitching smiles. Take at random any movie - in it there will always be some languid beauty or the superman who will smile in all screen, showing faultless teeth, such equal, beautiful and it is impossible white! But not Mother Nature has endowed them with such wealth, and very good stomatologists have worked.

2. In America more than 30 years the technology of so-called Hollywood vinir is applied. Thanks to rapid changes in our world - political, economic, technology, practice of the Hollywood vinir has come also to us. Now many dental clinics offer the services in this area and cope, it is necessary to tell, it is not worse American.

3. What is vinira? These are the thinnest heavy-duty porcelain plates. Porcelain of the highest quality on color, structure, transparency very much reminds enamel of healthy tooth. Set of set of its shades allows to pick up vinira practically to any teeth, having achieved ideal similarity to the family. Thanks to it, the smile is natural, teeth do not seem plastic, and have natural color, gloss and transparency.

4. Plates are pasted on front wall of tooth. Their supersubtlety allows to avoid painful grinding of teeth without which traditional prosthetics does not do. The Hollywood vinira will help to disguise any defects which look not esthetically: chips, chips, dark stains which appear from cigarettes, coffee, wine. Also vinira can hide not really beautiful shade of native teeth: yellowish, grayish or brown.

5. To keep the Hollywood smile for many years, no special conditions are necessary. Though stomatologists also give guarantee in 10 years, elementary rules of care for teeth in which you were trained in the early childhood will not prevent, and on the contrary, will promote their best preservation: cleaning and rinsing, refusal of all addictions which can do much harm to vinira and at last, regular visit of the stomatologist for the purpose of routine inspection. God bless you and more often smile!

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