How to fall in love with own husband

 The married couple, and especially for the woman requires new splash in emotions, new feelings from time to time. And what to do when near you for many years there is the same person? And once the woman understands that she does not love him. What should I do?


1. Husband. With this person you live already, apparently, the whole eternity. You perfectly know all its merits and demerits. And in one wonderful morning the woman understands that there are no those ardent feelings, that passion and emotions which generates spouses any more. There is no love any more? What's next? Divorce? It is still possible to repair and return that time when two persons so tremblingly and gently held each other by a hand and dreamed of eternal love. To fall in love with own husband – here the first step on the way to resumption of family life. In psychology of family life for this purpose there are several ways: 1. Reconsider advantages which are possessed by the husband. What it? Economic, clean and attentive? At you the crane in the bathroom never leaks and all bulbs are always twisted? Great! Sociable and cheerful. He easily meets with people. With him you will never miss. He will never put you in a difficult situation. Always it is possible to find the mass of merits in the person.

2. 2. Remember because of what you fell in love with him earlier? Perhaps, he beautifully looked after you or could play the guitar so what took the breath away? Ask the husband how in days of old to spend time with you. Plunge into the atmosphere of youth and ease.

3. 3. Look narrowly at the husband. Over time the appearance of the person changes, and already mature man sometimes becomes more attractive, than was in youth. What lines seem to you more attractive in the husband: his strong-willed chin or beautiful beefy shoulders?

4. 4. Dream up: present how you with the husband together carry out rest or travel. Present every moment which you carry out together. Such imaginations will help you to be inspired and open the husband in a new way. Well and of course, it is the best of all to dream together.

5. 5. Tell yourself or to what your girlfriends the husband, wonderful at you. And let all envy. After a while you will understand, as envy yourself. Such beautiful and worthy man is near you.


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