Why the family is the most valuable

 Newlyweds, fastening with a legal marriage the union, dream of happy life in love and harmony. The correct creation of the family relations - the key to success of a social cell of society.

Family members are those people who will remain with the person always whatever happened to him, whatever mistake he made. These are those people who can trust in the most difficult situations when it is impossible to rely even on the closest friends. For someone an example for imitation are their parents or families of acquaintances and friends, someone seeks not to make those mistakes which were made by the family, but all, certainly, one purpose – happy and safe family life unites. There is an opinion that newlyweds in new families willy-nilly copy the relations of the parents, but not always it is true. There is a set of examples of situations when the child who grew up in the atmosphere of cruelty, misunderstanding and roughness, having matured, becomes the ideal family man. However, also the return situations when the person who grew in love to care and caress, in the new family appears as the tyrant and the despot meet.

The family is not only joint life, education of children and the solution of household problems, and first of all relationship between spouses, children and their relatives. In the family relations the major factor is human interaction, and regular, its absence sometimes leads to the most unpleasant consequences.

In families where appreciate and respect each other, give enough time to children, listen to a wise advice of the family, and, above all - do all this with love, it is obvious to everyone that the strong, close-knit family is the best that can be in human life. It would seem what can be simpler, than to become happy, but on a way to happiness thousands of "reefs" which make the amendments to family life always lie. Them it is impossible to know everything, they for everyone are individual, people all different also behave differently in similar situations. But if a family was started on the strong base of sincere feelings, such as love, respect, patience, attentiveness, empathy, everything can be overcome. The main thing – that a family was started by people who are psychologically ready to it. To start good relations it is necessary to forget what is deception and to begin to build the relations on honesty and openness, then any reticence because of which there is a set of quarrels will disappear. It is worth to rememberIt is worth to remember that thought-reading is a destiny of psychics and parapsychologists, but not ordinary people who are nearby. Therefore it is very important to open and explain as much as possible the desires, it will remove a misunderstanding problem.

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