
Showing posts from December, 2020

How to make the Hollywood smile

  The snow-white, attracting, fascinating smiles of movie stars of Hollywood... Many would like is also dazzling to smile and try to catch delighted looks of people around, but it is given not all. Do you think that it is impossible? The modern stomatology works wonders so get acquainted with secrets of stars and forward. Instruction 1. Literally all film actors of Hollywood possess beautiful, bewitching smiles. Take at random any movie - in it there will always be some languid beauty or the superman who will smile in all screen, showing faultless teeth, such equal, beautiful and it is impossible white ! But not Mother Nature has endowed them with such wealth, and very good stomatologists have worked. 2. In America more than 30 years the technology of so-called Hollywood vinir is applied. Thanks to rapid changes in our world - political, economic, technology, practice of the Hollywood vinir has come also to us. Now many dental clinics offer the services in this area and co...

How to emphasize identity I

  t is known that each person is individual, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows how it is competent to show it. Presently there are many various ways to emphasize the identity: it can be shown in the speech, in lifestyle and in what you choose - everything characterizes you as the personality. Here several ways how to show the uniqueness and exclusiveness. Instruction 1. It is possible to emphasize the "I" by means of unusual, original hairstyle , clothes . It is one of the easiest and available ways to most of which of the people wishing to be allocated resorts. 2. The identity can also be expressed by means of play of color , it is no secret that has every color the purpose. So according to the color concept which was developed by Goethe – dark color calms therefore the excited person spontaneously looks for pacification in this color scale. Gray color in turn belongs to the category of nonchalance, formality, it is full of advantage. To people whose clothes of g...

Global trends in the beauty-industry

  Beauty-industriya never does not stand still. In the work and policy the leading brands aim not only to make the maximum profit, but also to observe eco-friendly, individual and honest approach to consumers, to be based on the current global trends.   Trends and principles of the industry In the forthcoming season the data of waste to zero will be one of the fundamental principles. Brands aim if not to exclude them completely, then to minimize the remains, having reduced their total amount. Heads of leading companies are sure that it is impossible to regard as of paramount importance profit, it is necessary to make investments into zero waste to keep steady position in the future.  The transparency and honesty with clients assumes the maximum openness of brands in the work and policy. Today consumers have knowledge and ability allowing to find low-quality or dangerous goods, to understand structures and the ingredients used by firms. Experts predict that ignorin...

Days of beauty and health in August according to the Lunar calendar: The 2nd part

  Continuation of recommendations and councils for maintenance of beauty and health according to the Lunar calendar for August   On August 16, Friday, the Moon in Fishes This day should be devoted to beauty and health of the lower extremities, to pay special attention to prevention and fight against fungal infections. Baths with grass infusion of sage or camomile will help with it. Also lymphatic drainage massage for removal of toxins with excess liquid from organism will be the most effective. It not only will give healthy shade to skin, but also will help to smooth it. If necessary procedures of manicure and pedicure, epilation and depilation, treatment of skin and clarification of time are recommended. In the gym to pay the maximum attention to zone of press and all central part of trunk. It not only will help to leave folds and subcutaneous fat, but also to emphasize body contours. This day the liver, fingers of legs and foot will become vulnerable. Preventi...

Favorable days of beauty and health in August according to the Lunar calendar: 1 part

  August traditionally is considered summer month without special tension thanks to reduction of quantity of stressful situations. This time is ideal for more attentive attitude towards the appearance, holding various cosmetology procedures, including with injections and pricks, for changes in style and even cardinal change of hair color, daily make-up and image. As when to do, it is possible to learn, having studied the recommendations of the Lunar calendar of beauty and health. The lunar calendar – the fine tool for any person who is watching the appearance, regularly visiting doctors and cosmetologists. Not to do much harm to itself and to carry out procedures with the most positive effect, before their carrying out it is worth checking information on change of lunar days and position of the satellite of Earth in zodiac signs. On August 3, Saturday, the Moon in the Maiden The favorable period for care for problem skin of the head and the address to the trichologist, it is ...